Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Metapost: News Roundup

So before I do that book review, I figured a news roundup was also in order. First up, we have an article from Editor and Publisher that discusses the current circulation of the comic. Highlights include that you can now read Liō in nearly 275 papers, that the pantomime format is ideal for selling the comic overseas, and that it has quite a foothold in Asia.

Also, the Hattiesburg American is currently giving several new strips a trial after the end of Kudzu. If you live in an area serviced by that paper, now is your chance to ensure a permanent place for our Dark Child! Hopefully in lieu of B.C. or the Wizard of Id. Which are far darker than Liō considering the dead writers and artists involved and all.

The Liō Sundays will be replacing the Kudzu Sundays in North Carolina's News and Observer. The dailies are not running, but it's always worth a few letters to the editor if you're in the area to beg for a daily dose.

1 comment:

Alex said...

start posting again? i think so.
- Advent, Anti-Hero, Red Mage, St. Emo's fire.