Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Metapost: Back from the depths

So in the time since my last post, several significant things happened.

1) I missed a great storyline about Liō at summer camp.
2) My personal life went topsy-turvy between my cousin's wedding and numerous other crazy things that are too boring and chaotic to be of interest
3) The first Liō collection came out.

So here's what I'm going to do. Much as I hate it, I have to let July go, sadly. Hope all two of you that read this out there at least got to read it. Hope you got to read August's material too, because I'm just going to start with today, fresh and clean.

So the first update will be today's comic. The second update, which will go up tonight, will be a review of the new collection, which arrived at my home yesterday. Before the review goes up, however, I definitely recommend it. Full color Sundays, amusing opening by Steve Pastis of the equally humorous Pearls Before Swine, and naturally, the earliest days of Liō.

Enjoy guys, and feel free to flog me in the future when I slack off like that again.

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