Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kooks, Apocalypse, and Mechas

So I was busy most of the weekend and then part of the week. As a result, experience the great Liō Quintuple Postravanganza!

Liō takes shots at nerds a lot, despite the fact I highly doubt Mark Tatulli is unaware of the extreme geek appeal of his comic. Still, I must wonder - why does Cool Clothes carry clothes for Kooks? And where are the Girls clothes? Seriously, I think they need to rethink their business angle.

6/23/07I don't have much more to add. Really. The guy's about to be a squishy little pancake. What more can I add to that?

6/24/07Two days of robots, two days of impending doom! I like how the rampaging robot destruction is handled, not by the army, but a trip to the principal's office. Clearly, our Dark Child has a self-imposed quota before he ceases his killing for the day or he'd have naturally turned the robot on the school to ensure his freedom.

It is rare that the tables are turned on the Dark Child. But today, Papa Liō has his victory. He enjoys an ice cold beer as he watches the suffering of his only child. It is no wonder where Liō has learned his behavior from.

6/26/07And finally, we see Leeroy Hateeachother, I mean, Lockhorn, taken away by the police after a harrowing evening of domestic terror. No doubt by morning, Loretta will have bailed him out and the cycle of abuse will continue.

I intend to not get so far behind in the future, so hopefully this will be the last Quintuple Postravanganza.

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